2017 Annual Meeting Minutes

2017 RMD Annual Meeting Minutes
Meeting called to order at 1:10 pm on Nov 11, 2017 in the home of John & Donna Spiro by RMD President Pat Green
2016 meeting minutes read back to the group by John Spiro
Financial Report: Beginning balance $10,030. Ending balance $12,251
       For 2017 we had 52 dues paying members
       Philip’s Fall narrow gauge excursions made us a good chunk of money
       Richard’s June Alamosa/LaVeta Pass & the Creede Branch excursions did well
       Geiger’s July Leadville ride lost a little money
       New RMD hats were ordered & a number were sold with some given away to our host railroad personel
New Business
     Review of the Fall MOW Colorado excursions
          Our EC’s reported issues with numerous people trying to contact host railroad personel & the NARCOA insurance Administrator. There was some communication problems between MOW & our RMD EC’s. Consensus of our group was that the RMD needs to keep control of communications with the railroads we regularly work with & use RMD EC’s for rides in Colorado. Working with the railroads in our Colorado area is tenuous & we can’t afford to have another group come in & possibly mess things up with the few railroads we have to work with.
     Amendments to the RMD Bylaws
           President Pat Green had proposed some changes to section 7 & 8 of the RMD bylaws & had sent out the proposed changes to the membership before the annual meeting. A vote was taken at the meeting & Pat’s changes were adopted by the membership. Under section 7 we will now have a five person Board of Directors, the President, a Vice President, the Sec/Treasurer & 2 Directors at Large. Under section 8 of the RMD bylaws there are changes in the staggered terms of officers. The President, the Sec/Treasurer & one of the Directors at Large will be elected in even numbered years, The Vice President & the other Director at Large will be elected in odd numbered years.
           John Spiro had proposed to the membership, via e-mail prior to the meeting, some changes to section 9 of the bylaws. As they read currently in section 9 the President controls the affairs of the RMD. John proposed that wording should be changed to, the Board of Directors controls the affairs of the RMD. With no support from the members present at the meeting John dropped his proposed wording change of the bylaws.
        2018 Excursion Planning
             The Heart of the Heartlands will try & put on more motorcar excursions in Kansas for 2018. In 2017 they put on one ride.
             Philip Walters is planning narrow gauge rides in late May/June & mid August
             Richard Reiff talked about running out of Alamoa/LaVeta in July
             Geiger was talking about running Leadville in July & maybe Sept
             Al Rodi visited the Nevada Northern RR & they are willing to work with us about running NARCOA excursion on their railroad. John Spiro & Al will contact the Nevada Northern & also the Heber Valley RR & try & put together a motorcar tour of both railraods over a long weekend. Maybe hit the Heber Valley first & then the Nevada Northern after a travel day.
            We talked a little bit about maybe doing a demo-days/show & tell with the Colorado Railroad Museum & or the Greely Freight Station Museum during one of their planned events. It would be nice to introduce more of the general public to motorcars, NARCOA & motorcar rides. At this time we don’t have any firm dates for any RMD planned events but the EC’s will be working on it.
Old Business
Report on the NARCOA National Meeting by Chris Weaver
            Chris said the meeting went well & that several NARCOA board members are working on a re-write of the Operations Manual. NARCOA plans to re-test the certified EC’s every couple of years maybe starting in 2018.
Election of Officers
           Jerry Geiger by acclamation is Vice President
           Richard Reiff & Al Rodi are both Directors at Large by vote. Richard’s term is for one year because of the changes to the bylaws, staggered terms.
Meeting Adjourned at 2:55 pm

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