May 19-20, 2025, RMD Santa Fe Southern RR

WHEN: May 19 May 20, 2025

WHERE: Lamy, New Mexico

CONTACT: Richard Reiff 719-543-7023/719-289-6971

Rocky Mountain Division is hosting a 2-day excursion on the Santa Fe Southern Railroad based out of Lamy, NM. Two round trips will be conducted, each about 34 miles.

See here for registration form. Cost is $65/car.

Monday May 19, Safey briefing at 11:AM at Lamy, NM near the Amtrak depot. Set on starts immediately after the safety briefing, followed by a 17-mile run to Rabbit Road Crossing at the south end of Santa Fe (approximately ¼ mile south of the NM RailRunner interchange). Return to Lamy, overnight cars at the SFS yard.

Tuesday, May 20 8:30 AM safety briefing followed by a round trip run to Rabbit Road, set cars off after returning to Lamy, MN estimated about 11:30 AM.

Nearest hotels to Lamy will be found in Santa Fe, about 30 minute drive. Limited RV camping is OK at the SFS railroad yard in Lamy, no facilities, dry camping only.

This run has been scheduled to allow those operating over the Colorado Pacific Rio Grande (LaVeta Pass) runs out of Alamosa to travel to Lamy after set off at Alamosa or the following morning. Allow 3 hours to travel from Alamosa to Lamy.

Also, in cooperation with MOW, a run on the Apache Railroad out of Holbrook, NM is being planned for Wednesday, May 21. Estimate travel time Lamy to Holbrook is about 4 ½ hours. Set on in Holbrook at 6 am, see posting on the NARCOA website for details.